Monday, July 7, 2008

I still do art things!

Okay, so I haven't really posted anything new this summer, but it doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything. I just have that little thing called perfectionism, so i don't post unless I really like it, so drawings i post only come at end of projects I'm up to, but i can't seem to focus on just one. On the other hand, I have been doing artsy stuff i can show so heres the first look at the beginnings of my new Vampire Counts army.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Had to draw these every 2 weeks, these are the best hands.


Had to draw these every 2 weeks, these are the best feet.

Destroyed City Layout

Inspired by Children of Men, Doomsday and Hellgate London, here's a destroyed city.

Aye-Aye Skeleton

Skeleton study of an Aye-Aye. Trust me, these things are way freakier with the skin on.


These are my better long-pose model drawings done in about an hour and a half or less.

Fantasy Nature Layout

Did this layout quite a while back for a nature assignment, I decided to make it a little more fantasy-like by adding celtic runes on the stones.

sssdd Did this layout quite a while back for a nature assignment, I decided to make it a little more fantasy-like by adding celtic runes on the stones.

Viking Layout

This was my first multi-point exercise in layouts. You gotta start somewhere I guess.

Mad Scientist

This guy was originally created to go into a layout for a 1 room 2 views layout project I had but I never got around to sticking him in there, but still liked the character. A few People tell me he makes them think of a bunch of different characters, I suppose they might have inspired him at a subconscious level, but nothing intentional.

Viking Character

So one week we have this character assignment to do and I was right in the middle of a sad Manowar obsession and had just seen Pathfinder, so I decided to make a viking character here are the versions I liked best.

Personal artish things

So I already have a blog for the stuff i was handing in for Pre-Animation at Algonquin, and I needed somewhere to put other drawings and my favorite ones from that year as well as the occasional comic once i get around those, as well as anything else I might eventually think of like photography or computer art. So here it is.