Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Steampunk Sidearm

Sometime midsummer I got myself possibly the best product ever created by Nerf; the Maverick. Since then I've modded it all the way to the land of Steampunk. Most pieces either come from an old casette player, radioshack, old shoes and other random stuff found in my toolbox full of random interesting bits of stuff. Unless I find something better before engraving, her name is Eudora.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009


We all drew Roman Ducks as a theme at one point. Then I started messing with a design for my Origami Samurai Warrior idea.

Deth Kopta, more

This is probably my 2nd last post for the Kotpa, since all that's left is the arms and gluing. Maybe another later post when i get around to mass basing everything. I especially had fun discovering how to give it the faded/worn paint effect. Each set is from a different day. Enjoy.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I was never happy with this drawing since I ended up doing most of it on the day of the hand-in but I liked the idea of it so I started messing with it in Photoshop. I'll see how far I feel like going with it overtime.
Here's the original scan, with some touch ups as well as some integration in the next.

Back into Warhammer

Now that school is done I can finally pick up those old projects, starting with the Deth Kopta.

Here's a set from last week.

And one from last night.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Extra pictures for Miniwargaming entry

Orcs, goblins and Uruks, oh my!

Lizards from when the the old battalion was new.

More Lizards.

WIP Deff Kopta and a Hydralisk
Never got around to photographing these, this opportunity was a good excuse.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Here are two early versions of the layout I'm working on. Final by tuesday.

March Break Madness

So I got a bunch of warhammer stuff in a big sale, I started with a couple of boyz just to get some practice. Deff Coptas and a layout on their way.