Friday, May 21, 2010


Posting Friday, for Thursday; today I spent the day rotoing out a crew member in this shot, here is the final video as well as still of the original, because I'm not sure i can post the original video for copyright reasons.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Today I completed the tutorial on texturing in Cinema4D. It essentially covers the basics without going into much detail on essential things like UV maps. Te UV editing portion of the pipeline appears to be much less intuitive then in Maya, until another lesson [hopefully] covers this subject matter, it appears I'm stuck with basic materials for the moment.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Today I've moved on to basic modeling tool in Cinema 4D with a wheel exercise.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Training

It's been 6 days since I've finished school and I am about to embark on the road that is real life. I decided to take this week "off" to relax a little bit after the big finals ad was lucky enough to have a chance to visit a local company. Here, I've been offered a chance to observe the work environment while working on my own projects and/or following professional grade tutorials. In exchange I may be asked to perform small work related tasks for them, which might lead to contract work in the best of cases. This is a great opportunity because there is no official schedule meaning I can continue my regular job search, as well as work a "normal" job for money, and come here on days off. Today I started learning the basics of Cinema4D using tutorials. It's still really basic compared to my work in Maya, but it's still fun, and a lot less confusing then the XSI workshop we did in class. I also started a Roto tutorial in After Effects the first step of which is getting rid of a guy in a staircase, it is still a work in progress but I'll post that anyway with the C4D shot.